Brazil soybean planting rates break record, exceed historical averages

18 Nov 2017 | Andy Allan

Soybean planting rates in Brazil have reached 73% of the expected area to be sown, up from just 57% a week earlier and 5 percentage points beyond the historical five year average.

The rise of 16 percentage points in a week is the fastest sowing rate of the harvest and eliminated an earlier lag.

Brazil is expected to produce around 107 million mt of soybeans this year, according to government estimates. That represents a decline from the record busting harvest of 2017, when the country – which is the world’s second biggest producer after the United States, dug out 114 million mt of beans.

Among the states that are the most advanced in their sowing plans, Mato Grosso – the biggest producing state – is already 90% complete, with Mato Grosso do Sul at 98%, Rondonia 95% and Parana 88%.