South Korean MFG buys 68k mt corn at $249.99/mt CFR

29 Jun 2023 | Eoin Hughes

South Korea’s Major Feedmills Group (MFG) has bought a corn cargo from Sierentz in a private purchase, trade sources told Agricensus Thursday.

MFG paid $249.99/mt CFR Pyeongtaek port, plus $1.50/mt second port discharge premium, for 68,000 mt of corn of South American or South African origin.

If the corn is sourced from South Africa, the cargo size should be 52,000 mt.

The shipment dates were September 20 to October 9 for South America or September 30 to October 19 for South Africa, with arrival in South Korea by November 18.

MFG’s last purchase was reported on June 8, when they bought two 66,000 mt cargos of South American corn from ADM for $243.33/mt and $244.33/mt for delivery by October 28 and November 5.

For more information on South Korean buying, please refer to our Tender Dashboard.