Soybean sowing is 7.5% complete in Argentina: BAGE

4 Nov 2021 | Marcela Caetano

The sowing of soybeans crop reached 7.1% complete this week, a 2.5% weekly advance, according to Buenos Aires Grains Exchange (BAGE) in its latest weekly update issued Thursday.  

Planting is three percentage points advanced in comparison to the same point of 2020.

“The greatest progress was recorded in the center of the agricultural area, where important advances are expected, boosted by the rain recorded during the last seven days”, BAGE stated.

At the same time, the lack of surface moisture is delaying the progress in  Córdoba and Entre Ríos.

Argentina is expected to harvest 44 million mt of soybeans from a planted area of 16.5 million hectares this season.

The sowing of corn reached 28.4% complete, a 0.8 percentage point advance on the week.

“The improvement in soil moisture recorded in the last few days has made it possible to consolidate the progress made and to maintain the state of the lots already emerged,” BAGE stated.

BAGE rated 82% of the area as good or excellent, 9 percentage points above last week, while 18% was rated as normal versus 27% last week.

The agency’s production output remained unchanged at 55 million mt and the estimated sowing area is at 7.1 million hectares.


The harvest of the wheat crop reached 10.5% complete of the 6.6 million hectares estimated area, a 3.8 percentage points weekly advance, and 1.8 percentage point higher on the year.  

BAGE rated 46% of the areas as good or excellent, 1 percentage point lower on the week, while 37% was rated normal, 2 percentage points higher than last week.

Areas rated as average or bad reached 17%, 1 percentage points below last week.