Russian associations challenge Putin as farmers' eligible for military call up

27 Sep 2022 | Masha Belikova

Farm workers will be eligible to be called up for military service as part of Russia’s partial mobilization of reservists to fight in Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin confirmed at a meeting of regional leaders on Tuesday, in a move that has raised questions from industry associations as the sector heads into a key time in the planting campaign.

Farming groups warned that the move could bring ‘disruption’ both to the final stages of the current harvest and the key planting stages of the next crop.

“I would like to address the heads of regions and heads of agricultural companies. Within the framework of partial mobilization, agricultural workers are also called up. Their families need to be supported. Please pay special attention to this issue,” Putin said.

“And now I am addressing not only those governors who are in touch and take part in our work today, in our meeting, but in general to all the governors of Russia, to all leaders,” he added.

Nothing more was mentioned on this subject during the meeting held with regional heads, however officials did report on the progress of sowing and planting campaigns, which are currently ongoing and require workers in the fields.

In Stavropol region alone, around 30,000 people are expected to be involved in autumn field works, according to Vladimir Vladimirov, head of the region.

Local media has already reported that agro-industrial unions have asked the government for a deferment from the partial mobilization.

The Association of Nurseries and Gardeners of the Stavropol Territory has sent a letter to the ministry of agriculture saying that “mobilization of workers employed in the industrial nursery and horticulture sectors will lead to the disruption of the harvesting campaign and the disruption of the technological features of production.”

The Russian Grain Union is also considering asking the government for a delay in calling up qualified workers, not only to allow field work but also for the processing industry.

The Russian grain and oilseeds harvest is coming to an end with 88% of the crop harvested, while winter sowing has only just started with only around 9 million ha planted.

This year’s crop is expected to be a record one for Russia, with the wheat crop expected to exceed 100 million mt and the total grain harvest pegged at around 150 million mt.